Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: As-Suffa
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: December 4, 2022 (10:00am)
End Date: December 4, 2022
Cost: £50
Website: https://www.as-suffa.org/upcoming-events/weekend-tajweed-course-3/
As-Suffa Institute – Birmingham – United Kingdom

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “the Quran is a proof for you or against you.” [Muslim]

Are you fulfilling the right of the Quran?

Imagine the Word of ALLAH himself, brought by Jibril the best of angels to The prophet  Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) the best of all creation, testifying for you on the day of judgement! A day when every small deed will be more precious than a mountain of gold and you have the Quran on your side! How amazing is that!

Learning how to recite correctly will impact not only your Quran recitation but also your dua’s and more importantly your Salah.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him ) said,
“Allah has His own people among mankind.”
They said:
“O Messenger of Allah, who are they?”
He said:
“The people of the Quran, the people of Allah, and those who are closest to Him’”
Source: Ibn Majah no. 215 – [Hasan]

Join the tajweed course today and fulfil your obligation towards the Quran

Whether you have never studied tajweed before or have learnt in the past (and maybe forgotten) then this class will be suitable for whatever your background. Register today to take your first step on the journey to be amongst the company of the noble angels!

  • Format: Short course:
  • Duration: 11 Weeks
  • Every: Sunday
  • Open to: Brothers and Sisters
  • Minimum age: 16

As-Suffa Institute
156 High Street
Birmingham , Aston B6 4UX United Kingdom
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