Weekly Shamail and Fatawa Sessions

Weekly Shamail and Fatawa Sessions
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Hounslow Jamia Masjid & Islamic Centre
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: September 1, 2024 (11:00am)
End Date: September 1, 2024 (12:30pm BST)
Cost: Free
Website: https://www.hounslowmasjid.co.uk/event-detail/weekly-shamail-and-fatawa-sessions/
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The Shamail of The Prophet ﷺ

With translation and commentary

From the famous work of Imam At-Tirmidhi

Starts Weekly from Sunday 1st September 11am-11.45am

Fatawa Session

An open session with an opportunity to ask the Mufti questions relating to Islamic Law

Starts Weekly from Sunday 1st September 11.45am-12.30pm

Dr Mashhor Fawaz (President of Scholars Islamic Council & Mufti of Palestine)

Sessions delivered weekly on zoom
Registration mandatory
Open to all

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