Welcoming Dr. Asif Hirani

Welcoming Dr. Asif Hirani
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: ICNA Dallas
Contact email: info@icnadallas.org
Start Date: April 30, 2023 (6:00pm)
End Date: April 30, 2023 (8:00pm CDT)
Cost: Free
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/welcoming-dr-asif-hirani-tickets-600869144787?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
ICNA Center – Richardson – Texas – United States

We are pleased to invite you to a meet and greet with Dr. Asif Hirani, a distinguished religious leader and scholar. This is a opportunity to engage with Imam Hirani where you can learn more about his life’s work and ask him questions about his insights on Islam and spirituality.

Dr. Asif Hirani has devoted his life to the study and practice of Islam, and his teachings have inspired countless individuals and communities across the USA. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience in matters of faith, community building, and social justice, and he is known for his thoughtful and compassionate approach to religious discourse.

During the meet and greet, Dr. Hirani will share his personal experiences and insights on various topics related to Islam and spirituality. You will have the opportunity to engage in a stimulating conversation with him, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the teachings of Islam and their relevance in today’s world. We will also showcase upcoming events and programs he will be conducting.

Don’t miss this chance to meet Dr. Hirani and engage with him on a personal level!

ICNA Center
1600 North Plano Road #200
Richardson , Texas 75081 United States
+ Google Map

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