What are your Muslim Employees Really Thinking?

What are your Muslim Employees Really Thinking?
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: The National Centre for Diversity
Start Date: October 22, 2021 (11:15)
End Date: October 22, 2021 (13:30 +03)
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-are-your-muslim-employees-really-thinking-tickets-178614098577?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch&keep_tld=1
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Busting the myth. This webinar gives you a window on the lives of your Muslim colleagues in and out of the workplace.

About this event

Unfortunately, too many of us get our information about Muslims from unreliable sources. This webinar gives you a window on the lives of your Muslim colleagues in and out of the workplace and is both informative and authoritative.

This webinar is aimed at employees at all levels. It summarises some of the overarching principles of Islam, before emphasising the sometimes very different ways in which people observe their religion as Muslims.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Enhance your understanding of the factors that are important to your Muslim colleagues
  • Better appreciate the inherent diversity within Islam
  • Improve working relations and promote mutual inclusion in your workplace with useful practical tips, advice and case studies.
  • This webinar offers a blended approach which is both subtle and dramatic, offering opportunities for interaction and constant engagement.

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