Women in Islam by Dr Oumama Hamasha

Women in Islam by Dr Oumama Hamasha
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: LEAD PROGRAMME
Start Date: August 12, 2023 (12:00)
End Date: August 12, 2023 (13:00 EEST)
Cost: £2
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-in-islam-by-dr-oumama-hamasha-tickets-682538700627?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&from=ba6e5a472af111ee933a1a73dcaa3ffa&keep_tld=1
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Welcome to LEAD’s next virtual lesson on the topic of: Women in Islam by Dr Oumama Hamasha where we will cover a range of topics such as the importance of women’s roles in Islam, their rights and our female role models.

Main points that will be covered during the session as follows, insha’ Allah:

– The concept of Qiwamah in the Quran (linguistically and conventionally).

– Patriarchy vs Guardianship: Qiwamah & Wilayah in Islam.

– Qiwamah in the light of Maqasid Al-Shari’ah.


About Dr Oumama Hamasha:

Dr Oumama is an Assistant Professor in Theology and Religion at the University of Jordan where she lectures in Theology and Religion in general as well as Islamic Studies in particular. Alongside her work as a lecturer and researcher, she is responsible for developing the theology educational curriculum at the university. Prior to this, Dr Oumama was a lecturer of Islamic studies and Arabic at the European Institute of Human Sciences (EIHS). Dr Oumama completed her undergraduate in religion from the University of Jordan before completing a masters in Hadith sciences there too. She went on to complete her PhD at the University of Birmingham in 2018 in Theology and Religion, specialising in Islamic studies.

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